Product &
Beth Havinga (née Martin) was born in Darwin, Australia and moved to Europe at age 17. Since that time, she has lived in Fribourg (Switzerland), Berlin (Germany), San Francisco (USA), and Graz (Austria).
Beth is passionate about supporting a lead in the change, development and growth of positive tools and strategies that enable a stronger, more interoperable education experience. She believes in the need for a more networked education environment and is excited to be able to connect industry leaders in technology, global publishers, startups and governments to build robust and innovative solutions.
With just under 20 years and having worked in over 46 countries in the education industry from teaching through to management, education sales, curriculum writing, teacher training, publishing, Software sales and management, digital publishing, acquisition and integration, education standards and protocols and the development of education software and multiple startups, Beth is able to draw on her broad experience and extensive global network to systematically support the development of useful, intuitive education designs, products and solutions.
Beth is dedicated to supporting the development of EdTech Startups and developing integrated solutions and concepts together with all levels of the education industry
Beth is passionate about supporting a lead in the change, development and growth of positive tools and strategies that enable a stronger, more interoperable education experience. She believes in the need for a more networked education environment and is excited to be able to connect industry leaders in technology, global publishers, startups and governments to build robust and innovative solutions.
With just under 20 years and having worked in over 46 countries in the education industry from teaching through to management, education sales, curriculum writing, teacher training, publishing, Software sales and management, digital publishing, acquisition and integration, education standards and protocols and the development of education software and multiple startups, Beth is able to draw on her broad experience and extensive global network to systematically support the development of useful, intuitive education designs, products and solutions.
Beth is dedicated to supporting the development of EdTech Startups and developing integrated solutions and concepts together with all levels of the education industry
Work Experience
2013 - Current
Founder and Managing Director, Connect EdTech (Worldwide)Intel Education (EMEA)
Supporting local teams in strategic business development and partnerships strategies, solution architecture, software and platform integration, contract drafting, and partnership management Cornelsen Education Publisher (DE) Compiling a comprehensive publishing and product platform analysis with strategic development recommendations, solutions and collaboration networks. Veritas Education Publisher (AT) Working on new interactive digital solutions for the primary and secondary markets including technical, licensing, partnership, adaptive learning, and interactivity advice. Providing new product and platform analyses. Learnosity (EMEA) Providing a comprehensive overview of the European publishing market and supporting strategic partnerships in EMEA. Ableton (DE-Worldwide) Supporting the development of a music education project for underprivileged students world-wide and the creation of a digital music curriculum for K-12 schools CJ Fallon (IE-EMEA) Assisting the internationalisation, licensing and distribution strategies of this publisher into wider EMEA/RCIS StudySync (UK,DK) Supporting the strategic international expansion of the ELD product including market specific meetings, education publisher connections and developing product strategy. Atheneum Partners (DE) Providing in depth reports and analyses of specific EdTech startups for investors and EdTech investor funds. Shift Learning (UK,DK) Developing market analyses and suggestions for specific market segment development of STEM education products. Maths No Problem (UK) Developing a detailed market expansion strategy including local partnerships, events organisation and development, conferences, speaking engagements. Providing a social media and marketing strategy. Working on a digital development strategy and competitor analysis. My Impact Education (DE) Writing and developing a business plan and go to market strategy. Providing marketing, PR and optimisation support as well as industry advice for their first education project, Being a Human. Content Canning (USA) Product and business development strategies for iOS education applications. Developing sales channels, negotiating distribution contracts and partnerships, supporting technical development, business plans, marketing and customisation. Amplify (USA) Providing support for publishing and software partnerships as well as detailed analyses of the international education market, international and U.S technology situation. World Reader (ES/USA) Supporting expansion efforts with publishing and device maker partnership connections. Providing international industry standards advice for publishing partnerships. We Know This - (U.S/Global) - Co-Founder & acting COO Designing a STEM programme for educators and students. Responsible for: Business and financial planning, partnerships, branding, presentations, contract negotiations |
2012 - 2013
Founder and Director of txtr EducationTxtr GmbH, Germany
Designing an intuitive and comprehensive eReading solution for schools based on my extensive market research and experience within the education industry. Responsible for:
2009 - 2012
Education Consultant - European Sales ManagerHoughton Mifflin Harcourt (European Sales Manager)
Follett Corporation - (Western European Sales Manager) In charge of sales for all business units and business development into Western Europe for Follett Software, Follett Library Resources, Follett Higher Education Group.
2008 - 2009
Education CoordinatorPHORMS AG, Germany
2001 - 2006
Assistant Manager | Sales Manager
2001 - 2006
Teacher (Music | English)Orientierungsschule Plaffeien, Switzerland
Kindersprachschule Berlin, Germany
Musically Brilliant
Fun Stuff
Speaking EngagementsInteroperability & Standards for the German Market
Speaker KMK-Sitzung zum Cloud & ID Management Reframing Challenges for Success
Keynote Speaker European Education Publishers Group Conference Intel Education Resources
Didacta Germany Global Education Publisher Perspectives
Education Technology and Leadership Conference, Toronto Canada Digital Media and Pre-K
MAIS Conference, Barcelona Making the Most of Digital Media
SGIS Swiss International Schools Conference Colourful Language- identity perception of bilingual children
Association of Language Awareness Annual Conference Coloured Language- identity perception in children
Tabu Dag Applied Linguistics Conference, University of Groningen Motherese in Second Language Acquisition
Education in Practice, University of Luxembourg |
Foundations & Volunteer work2016 - CurrentStart Edtech
Germany Project Manager Developing and managing the Startup arm of the German Alliance for Education (Bündnis für Bildung), coordinating events, discussions and interoperability between members. 2013-2016Tswana Voices
South Africa | Germany Chief Executive Founding and developing a non for profit organisation run with the intention of fostering cross cultural exchange between students in Europe and the students of the Kalahari Desert through song, spoken word, dance and project-based entrepreneurial activities. 2009-2014Kalahari Education Experience Project
Kalahari Desert Teacher working to assist schools in the Kalahari desert with literacy and learning initiatives. I travel with the Frankfurt International School teams to the Kalahari where I lead a team of 10 students at one of the valley schools in teaching Maths and English to the Kalahari students.. |
University of New England - BA | S (Hons), AustraliaFirst Class Honours in Linguistics
Minor: Education Sciences and German Top 5% of students across all disciplines |
University of Fribourg - BA, SwitzerlandMajor: Education and Developmental Psychology
Minor: Linguistics and Music Winner of first year Academic Prize for highest marks |
Collège Sainte-Croix - SwitzerlandRotary Exchange Scholarship
1996 - 2000
Fairholme College - AustraliaHighschool Certification - > 96.4% all graduates
"Beth Havinga bringt Menschen, Unternehmen und Systeme mühelos zusammen. Sie vernetzt Menschen und Informationen, erklärt Zusammenhänge und zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, berät in der Projektführung und Vorgehensweisen und setzt Aufgaben in hervorragender Qualität um. Dabei arbeitet sie international, fließend mehrsprachig, stets zeitgerecht, fokussiert, selbstständig und für alle Seiten gewinnbringend. Ihre hohe analytische Fähigkeit, ihr tiefes technisches Verständnis und ihre überzeugend gewinnbringende Persönlichkeit, gepaart mit der spürbaren Liebe zum Thema Bildung, machen es zu einem Vergnügen mit ihr zusammenzuarbeiten .”
- Elke Oberhuber, Veritas Verlag |